After officially opening for business, I am proud to report success, and NEW PACKAGES for 2024!
Thank you to YOU for stumbling on my website and business! It has been my joy to serve several families this year, with more already lines up for 2024! This is why I stress booking NOW for 2024.
Upon careful examination, I am offering multiple level packages with clear pricing options and a set payment schedule if requested. You will find updated pages on this soon - before the end of this month!
I am excited to be moving forward with success and getting organized along the way! I love art, and offer a unique opportunity for mothers who don't want to encapsulate their placenta but still have a memory: PLACENTA PRINTS! Check them out on the new KEEPSAKE SHOP page!
This year has brought so much learning curve and excitement at the same time, since officially launching my business early in the year.
We have seen great success in spreading the word about my business/ministry. I am learning what I enjoy most and enjoy least. I most of all am learning more about myself as a mother through the process of walking alongside other expectant mothers.
The biggest take away is trusting GOD throughout the process. Its not always easy, but His love never fails and mothers always prevail when they do. This is why Mary is the patroness- the QUEEN. She is OUR MOTHER. I always look to her as my guide even while I improve my business.
Having Mary by my side to remind me that Christ is always at the center.
Praise be Jesus for 2 baby boys being born! Baby R and Baby A! Pray for them and their parents. Parenthood is a while ride!